Blogmas, Day 6: How do you spend Christmas?

Before I moved to Korea, every Christmas was practically the same from a certain age. My mom and dad divorced when I was about 7 years old. Before that, I don't really remember doing much for Christmas, but I do remember my mom putting up a Christmas tree every year. I would get heaps of presents, things like a push chair for my dolls and a parrot thing which repeated everything I said.

When my mom moved into a flat, we used to put the tree up and I loved when the lights were switched on. I used to get a lot of presents then too, usually things like deodorant and socks. My mom wanted the best for me, and was worried I wasn't satisfied with the gifts. It's a shame, because it's totally not how I feel and wish I wasn't a brat as a kid. I used to wake up super early without fail to open the gifts.

Later on, when I was about 12, my mom got with this guy who I used to call my step dad. We would always have Christmas over at his place in Lantan, Scotland. It was always a big thing, we would always open one gift at midnight (usually pyjamas). We would open our presents in the morning, watch some Christmas TV and dinner would be served around mid-day. After dinner, some of us would take the dog for a walk, to walk off the Christmas meal. The rest of the day involved picking at the left over food and watching rubbish on TV. We would always watch the Christmas episode of Dr Who! Then whatever my ex step dad wanted to watch. Usually in the evening, someone would put on a load of snacks bought from Iceland and we would all pig out again.

Then, it was a little different. My ex step dad and Mom broke up before I moved to Korea, but my last Christmas at home was spent with him. It was terrible, he only cooked the beef joint and dried it completely. I had to cook all the other parts, because I didn't want my mom to slave away. He was nasty to her the whole time. I slaved away and all he did was complain about how little roast potatoes I made. His daughter went to her room and stayed there the whole time the dinner was being prepared.

Now, I'm in Korea and I've already written about what I do at Christmas!

Happy Blogmas,



  1. Aw no, I hate when people don’t help with preparing Christmas dinner! Really interesting post, thank you for sharing

  2. That sounds like a lovely family Christmas. Great post!

  3. Interesting post, I really enjoyed reading it!x

    LoneTeenTraveller | Travel Fashion Lifestyle


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