Blogmas, Day 12: Learning A New Winter Hobby

Just for Blogmas, I decided to learn a new hobby which is usually done around winter time. Or at least that's what I associate it with. I've decided to take up the hobby; knitting! I always associate knitting with winter, and want to learn it so I can make my own hats and scarves. Maybe in the future I'll learn to read patterns and make my own sweaters and cardigans, but for now scarfs will do.
It started on a Sunday night, I decided to buy some wool and a set of needles. They were really cheap which is great for a beginner.

On the first night, I learned how to cast on, basic knit stitch, add a new ball of wool, cast off and sew. It didn't take me long, but I did make a load of mistakes and left huge wholes in the wool due to not having a good tension.

I decided to turn my first knitting piece into a make up bag by sewing them together. I absolutely love the colour of the wool that I used. 

By the end of the week, after learning how to purl, I learned how to do things like "knit 1 purl 1" and decided to make a small scarf for my teddy bear (picture above). I also started a scarf with only purling stitches, it doesn't look too great as there are no ribs, but it's not bad for a beginner scarf (picture below).

I also bought three different sized needles and other bits an bobs to help me with my journey!
I really enjoyed learning something new; it's such a great hobby to learn! Lets hope that I stick with it.

Are you learning anything new this winter?

Happy Blogmas



  1. This is so cool! Congratulations on what you’ve learned! My grandma spent forever trying to teach me how to crochet and I could never get it! It looks great!

  2. This is amazing! I've always wanted to try my hand at knitting. My mother taught me how to sew, but she herself doesn't know how to knit so it's uncharted territory. Lovely photos 💕

  3. Love the colors!
    You're doing a great job, I give you credit for wanting to learn something new and actually doing it!! You'll be a pro in no time!

  4. You are doing amazing job and have learned really fast. After Christmas you are able to make socks and sweaters :D!

  5. That is so lovely! I used to know how to knit, not sure I would still be able to.. I love the colorful yarn!

  6. I love watching your progress with you learning how to knit, and you have definitely inspired me to give it a go when I have some free time!

  7. Omg! I actually started knitting around September (A way to help with anxiety and fun Christmas presents) , I'm glad I'm not the only one who associates knitting with winter time. Did you find the "pearl" stitch to be easier or harder than the cross? I prefer cross myself.

  8. This is such a great thing to do! I tried learnjing how to knit once, it basically just resulted In a scarf probably only big enough for my cat...

    LoneTeenTraveller | Travel Fashion Lifestyle


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