Happy Halloween Folks!

Happy Halloween! I just spent my first Halloween in Korea. It's David's second Halloween here as he was in Korea back in 2010. I didn't actually celebrate Halloween on the 31st. There was some sort of party going on downtown, but I wasn't interested. I never am when it comes to parties. I'm more of a small group kinda person, chilling in random pubs. I'm not a drinker, so going to a club with loud music, and drunk idiots just isn't my thing and NEVER has been or ever will be. 

However, on Friday, there was a Halloween event at the academy I work at. The hallway was decorated in an awesome spiders web. Some of the kids were dressed up with generic costumes like witches their mommy's bought in Emart. Some had onsies! And others had nothing. Those kids that had nothing were offered a witches hat for photographs. 

As you can see, the hallway is amazing! I never noticed all the different colours before. I blurred out the faces of the kids, it makes them look so creepy! 

My academy has different tiers of English. Langcon, Champ and Ivy. It was only the Langcon kids that got to celebrate Halloween this year. I only had one class. Teachers had to teach for 30 minutes then we were allowed 30 minutes of games. Although the majority of the 30 minutes was taking photographs. Some of the games included pin the tail on the devil, dressing up as mummies, shooting nerf bullets at a target (if they hit trick they had to do something embarrassing like sing). 

This was the class I had. Only four of them had costumes! A glow in the dark scream mask and three witches. 

The ones without a costume were given hats to wear for their class photo though. 

The staff in fancy dress. As you already know by now, I was a clown...! 

I won a prize for my costume! The big prize went to my other colleague who dressed as Pororo. A penguin character that is popular here. I didn't deserve any prize though, I only put on face paint and a wig. There was Pororo and No Face from Spirited away, they both made their costumes by hand!

Anyways, on actual Halloween night, instead of going to a club with loud music, David and I went to Bon Voyage to watch the rugby final at 1am. It was a good game too. There were a bunch of westerners there and Haks, who is pictured below! 

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween too! 



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