Chocolatea Liquorice Wheels flavoured tea Review

Here is my first review from May's Flavourly box! I decided to try out the liquorice wheels flavoured tea for my evening cuppa. 
Firstly, you can smell these from miles away, even if you're not brewing a cup. You get a strong waft of liquorice as soon as you open the kitchen cupboard. I'm not a fan of tea, especially flavoured teas because they are an anti climax. I am yet to enjoy a flavoured tea without adding sugar! 

This liquorice tea comes in almost square bags. You can see the aniseed mixed in with the tea leaves. The tea bag itself doesn't have a strong smell, which I find strange because it gives off such a strong smell in the cupboard. 
You choose whatever cup size you like, bigger the better as it states, pour hot water in then leave to brew for 3 minutes. Some people like keeping their tea bag in like my boyfriend. But I like mine out. 

At first I couldn't taste anything, but then it hit, the liquorice flavour. I added a teaspoon of sugar because I couldn't really taste the tea. It helped wonders! It actually tasted like sweet liquorice. As I kept drinking, the liquorice flavour intensified. I think next time I need to wait before adding sugar. 
David said it got better as he was drinking. There was a strong aniseed flavour and the tea numbed my tongue a little. I think it's because of the aniseed. Not a bad tea, but the best flavoured tea I have had! 

Overall a nice tea. But I'm still not "wow'd" by flavoured teas! 

4/5 hearts 

'till next time, 


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