^_^ bonjour!

What a roller coaster of a week. To tell you the truth I do not want to go back to last week at all, especially the weekend. Possibly the worst weekend I have ever had in Edinburgh. Everything is sorted now though. But being mentally drained due the awful week meant I slept quite a bit today...fell asleep pretty fast and everytime I woke in the morning, I kept dosing back to sleep. Eventually forced myself up however could sleep again. 

So, this summer is pretty busy. Well I work almost everyday, which is pretty cool as I earn some dosh. However, kind of regretting not doing anything for university. Such as volunteering at places. I got offered some lab work at my university, but had to turn it down due to my job. And sadly, the job comes first right now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford to live in Edinburgh this summer. The good thing is, I'm on full time for the summer, which means I will be able to earn a fair bit, and save that for the next year. Possibly keep working there part time, but only on my terms. Meaning, no I cannot cover people's shifts and that I have set hours each week as my university time table will stay the same. 

Just waiting on a few photo's from someone to upload...update soon.

Ciao Ciao



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