
Hello there.

Welcome to my new blog. If you know me, I have had a blog since I was around 13. However I keep changing them. I hope this isn't an inconvenience to anyone. I thought I'd move my blog to blogspot, so it's under the same email address as my googlemail address! If you're interested, my other blog is http://veggiekelly.blogspot.com where I upload photo's of vegetarian meals and some random reviews. 

There will be a lot of ups and downs on this blog. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes I can be really happy, sometimes I can be really sad. Sometimes I can be really angry. But that is me. I can't change the way I am. My personality is set. And if people don't like my personality I suggest they should leave my life pronto. 

I have one problem in my life right now. I'm trying to sort that. I apologise it my blogs become depressive but it's the only way I can vent out my feelings. Right now I'm in a lazy, sad, mood. I'm having body image issues at the moment. So most of my blogs may be about my body image. I apologise in advance. 

Will update soon when I have some more thoughts! Meanwhile, enjoy my other blog. And enjoy your day.


Mulan x

Ps. My name is not really Mulan.


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