Blogmas, Day 7: 10 Things I love about Christmas

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells rock! I love Christmas, it's my favourite holiday of the year. It's literally a day full of gluttony. There are certain things which I love about Christmas and I'm sure some are the same for you too.

What I Love

1) Spending the day with loved ones, including the dog.
2) Sitting by a nice warm fire (When I had one).
3) Singing Christmas songs and having them blasting on repeat.
4) Continuous eating, from the moment I wake up until the end of boxing day!!!
5) Wearing my brand new pyjamas at midnight, and whilst opening presents.
6) The smell of mulled wine, cinnamon, gingerbread...
7) The Christmas walk with the family.
8) Watching Dr Who at 7pm!
9) Playing with my new gifts.
10) Napping by the fire.

Number 10 makes me laugh, because there was one year when I fell asleep after my Christmas dinner. My mom and sister went for a walk with the dog and when they got in, they let the dog off the lead and she came running up to me, waking me up with a lick on the eyeball. I wasn't best pleased, but it does make me chuckle now.

What are your top 10 things?

Happy Blogmas,



  1. Great post, Kelly! For me it has to be number 6! Three of my favourite smells and what I associate Christmas with the most! xx

  2. Cute. Sounds like you have wonderful traditions.
    Man, not sure if I can come up with 10. Haha.

    I love spending time with my family, I am big on family.
    Gifts are always fun but not necessary.
    Time off at work, I hoard all my vacation till the end of the year.
    I like most Christmas music and I love to sing along.
    Food, yes to food!! Haha.

  3. I absolutely love having a fire on Christmas Day, it makes the room feel so cosy!

  4. I also love singing Christmas songs! It’s the most cheerful thing ever!

  5. Oh I love all of them! Can it be christmas already?

  6. Such a great list!! I love making s'mores on a open fire and looking at Christmas lights <3 Love your list!

  7. So cozy top 10! I would have a very similar list, maybe I'll write in on my blog later :)!

  8. Isn't Christmas wonderful!! It's my favorite holiday as well, I love it so much I got married on Christmas eve!😍
    I love speding time with family and friends mostly. But love decorating, cokking, listening to holiday music and definitely watching holidays movies. haha
    Happy holidays
    You can visit me on my blog :

  9. Great list! I also love getting into my new pyjamas, that and Christmas markets! X

    LoneTeenTraveller | Travel Fashion Lifestyle

  10. Love Christmas and these are some of our favourite things to do during Christmas time too


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