Reminiscing the Beauty of Stornoway
I can't believe it's been 5 months since I was living in Stornoway, time seems to fly by so fast. I was only in Stornoway for 6 months, which seemed like "forever"! And now almost spent the same amount of time away from Stornoway! It also almost a year since I moved over there on December 10th 2013! A whole year!
Stornoway, the whole of the Isle of Lewis was beautiful, but it does take a lot of getting used to. Especially living there, limited amount of buses, and nothing open on a Sunday apart from a couple of restaurants. Although then again, there wasn't really much to do without a car! I was lucky enough to visit a good few spots when my parents visited and drove me around to see the Callanish stones, down to Harris and the Black houses.
It is definitely a place to visit for a few days! If you haven't been, it's a must on your travel list. It's very easy to get to by plane from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness and Aberdeen. Also it's easy to travel to by ferry! Get a train to Inverness, time it well to catch the citylink bus to Ullapool, and hop on the ferry over to Stornoway (3 hour ferry ride!!).
Jobs on Lewis are rare, apart from waiteressing. Even then, there's not as many as you would find on the mainland. I was lucky that I was offered a job at the Hotel where I worked (Cabarfeidh), I could have spent a good 6 months depressed, doing nothing! Rent was cheap too, £400 for a 2 bedroom cottage, but oil prices were scarily expensive. I wasn't there long enough to benefit from the monthly direct debits for oil.
I stayed in Apple Tree Cottage! It's a pretty big cottage, huge kitchen! But it was riddled with damp in the winter time.
The best part of Stornoway were my ducks. Sadly, Theo (black beak) was run over by a car. Princess is the pretty one (left). Lewis behind Theo, and Harris with the green head - the man of the group.
There was a time the ducks stopped laying, and one day we found 31 eggs hidden away! Nuts.
Luckily they didn't hatch into ducklings, any longer they would have!
There were also many beaches! They were all so beautiful. Before Stornoway, I've never seen such beautiful beaches! This one is Tong beach, the tide goes all the way out, which causes the sinky sand! So you have to be careful not to wander too far out and get stuck.
This is me, on Coll beach. Again beautiful big beach! Flat as a pancake too!
The view from Lews Castle grounds. The city centre of Stornoway! Such an amazing view.
Luskentyre Beach! Even bigger, and clear blue waters!
Vatisker Beach! So many worm casts!
tong beach again, this time in an enclosed area of the beach.
I was so lucky to visit the Callanish stones before leaving Stornoway.
Black houses! Traditional houses!
Old peat bog. The smell was lovely!
Beautiful caves at Vatisker!!
I also had the pleasure? of sampling Guga. A gannet from ness! Tasted like fish/salt, looked like duck!
Washed down with bread and milk!
Baby duckies :)
Happy to leave but sad at the same time :(
So if you haven't been for a visit, I think you should go :)! Definitely a must at least once in your life!
Maybe one day I'll be back, If they get decent internet access that is.... ;]!
'till next time,
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