Two dishes I made

Decided to cook at last! I am a big fan of quorn, so decided to make something with it. For those who don't know what Quorn is mycoprotein which is extracted from a fungus called Fusarium venenatum. In my honest opinion, I prefer quorn mince to real mince. I love the taste and texture :)! I usually only use it with chopped tomatoes. 
So the first dish was a pasta dish. I never follow instructions. I just throw in random things! So ingredients were: Macaroni pasta, quorn mince, olive oil, peas, dark soy sauce, pasata, tomato puree, chilli powder, wee bit of salt, oregano, thyme, parsly...well maybe just a random set of herbs...hehe! 
As a student, we learn to just bung everything together, that's what I did and it was a success! It was very tangy but spicy at the same time, I loved it! 

The second dish I made with the last of the quorn is this sort of tangy chilli. Ingredients: Rice, Quorn, Red Peppers, Aubergines, Red onions, garlic, pasata, tomato puree, tin of chopped tomatoes, olive oil, soy sauece. Mix of herbs, think they were oregano, basil, parsly, chilli powder. 
It came out good :). I even went back for seconds and thirds heh :D! 


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