Food. Exercise. Health

Hello :)
I've joined the university gym! £40 for the whole semester is really cheap. £9 a month! Brilliant. It's getting me motivated actually. It's quite cold outside to run, but that is no excuse. Will get myself going at the gym and also train outside slowly. I'm very unfit. I can't run 10 minutes without stopping. I feel stitches and I can't seem to run passed it. Oh nevermind. 
Along with the exercise I am also trying to eat healthily. Only eating things like chocolate, crisps when I really need them :)! Basically not every day like I used to. I'm also trying to cook my meals instead of banging something into the oven. No point in exercising if I'm not going to eat right. 
I hope that I will be ready for the 1/2 marathon in September. I know it's a long way away, but right now I feel so unfit. 1/2 marathon seems like miles away. Keeping a positive mind though, the more money I raise for Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the better I will run. So please, if you can when the time comes, please donate a couple of £! Or a kind word of encouragement :). 
I'm also thinking about giving blood on Saturday. I tried when I was 17. But sadly they said my veins were too narrow. My veins haven't changed since. I emailed the Blood Donor centre and they said I should wait until I am older. But if I am older will my veins really change? I will go there on saturday, and if I can't at least I tried. I guess it's okay because I am an organ donor. But at the end of the day, I have all this blood which someone can use. 

It's been a while since I have posted any photo's of food :)! Mmm. 
Pollock with Roasted Parsnips! Healthy version of fish and chips. 
Add a dollop of butter/margarine onto the fish. Sprinkle with herbs, I used coriander. Wrap in tin foil and place in the oven.

Chicken and vegetable stirfry.
I used Amoy Straight to Wok noodles and Blue Dragon Chow Mein sauce.

Chicken and bacon cheesy pasta. 
For the cheese sauce:
1tbsp plain flour, 1tbsp butter/margarine, half a pint of milk, 4oz of any hard cheese
-melt the butter/margarine over a low heat
-sieve the plain flour into the melted butter until it forms a paste
-add the milk gradually, if it becomes lumpy, start again!
-add the cheese gradually

Coca cola pork! with mashed potatoes and veggies!
Pork was cooked in a slow cooker with coca cola! Carrots, swede, onions were place in with them and was cooked for 6 hours! My mother cooked this. The gravy was made with the water used to boil the cabbage to keep in the nutrients :)

My mother's leek bake! Seriously this is good stuff. My mother cannot cook, but she cooks this well. She made it up on her own too! 

My overly burnt cheese toasty. Just thought I would add this in :D! Ahaaa!

Kelly x


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